Faith Circle
Faith Circle meets every other Thursday at 9:30 AM.

Men’s Bible Study meets every other Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM
Men’s Morning Bible Study meets each Wednesday morning at 6:15 AM

Quilting For A Cause started many years ago as a small group of quilters getting together as they quilts. This ministry has grown over the years and meets regularly to make quilts for various missions in the area.

Catechism classes are for students in 5th-12th grade. Helping the students grow in their faith and prepare them to let their light shine!

Once a month our Fellowship Committee plans an activity for us after the worship services.
This is a great way for us to spend time with our church family.

Part of our mission is to bring the Good News about God to people of all ages in our community and help them grow in their walk with the Lord.

Children meet each week before Sunday School class for a time of singing and praising God
They sing a variety of classis Sunday School songs and favorite praise songs.

Children’s Tyme is a part of our worship that invits the children to the front of church for a message just for them.
Matthew 19:14 says…”Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Ignite Youth Group
High School Students enjoy a variety of activities from making and delivering items to our church family to tubing in winter months.

Our nursery is open for infants each Sunday morning so parents can be a part of our Worship service.

Fellowship Nights
We love to spend time with our church family…flower picking, golfing, pickleball and more

Prayer Warriors
Prayer Warriors meet each Sunday morning
If you have a prayer request,
see the Prayer Box in the fellowship hall

Prayer Circle
Calvin Prayer Circle gives us an opportunity to pray for our church family. Each week two names/families from your Care Group are emailed or put in your church mailbox. Add them to your prayer list for the week.